Friday, August 20, 2010

Crazy life

Life has been so crazy lately. It seems like all I do is try to keep my head above water. Even now I am multitasking. As many know I opened up an store to sell my soap. Just search soapsnstuff on etsy and you should find my store. After searching around etsy for other soaps I feel that mine are woefully inadequate. Maybe my pictures are just uninspired or something. But how can I compete. Plus I am not a good promoter of my own work. I need an agent to market my stuff. Anyone up for the job. Right now the biz is in the hole but after enough years maybe it will break-even. Or maybe I'll just give up before the year is out. I have no one to help me so it just gets way overwhelming.


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Friday, May 21, 2010

Where are you?

Hi all!  I know I have been rather MIA lately but I have been so busy with life in general.  Not necessarily a good thing.  Let's see if I can do a quick catch up.

I started up an store.   You can find me as SoapsNStuff  on  I am finally selling my handcrafted soaps!  I know you all have been telling me to do so for years and I finally did.  My cousin also has a store (JavaGirls) and she is the one that really gave me the push I needed.  So I figured I had nothing to lose but everything to gain.

We bought a new CR-V to replace the Civic.  The Civic was a 2003 that had 130,000+ miles and was really starting to struggle.  So we were able to trade it in and buy a new one.  The 2006 CR-V is now mine and it is paid off so we still only have the one payment which is nice.

We still own the condo.  We hope to sell it soon to the renter we currently have.  She is working hard at getting the financing that she needs.  Sooner or later we will sell it, just hope it is on the sooner side.  If you need a great real estate agent in MD I know one!

We leave in a few days for a week in Albany GA with Kelly and family.  I can't wait to go!!!  We are going down for Ryan's baptism.  Brian and I are the godparents!  First time for that too.  Just hope that Josie does well on the flight.

Lets see what else is there.....Work is ok.  Everyone is really on edge with layoffs looming over us.  My department is hopeful that we will be spared this round since there are only 4 of us anyway.  We are actually over worked and under staffed and some of the powers that be have acknowledged that so that is a good sign.

I got and IPhone and really love it!!!  I can do so much with it.  I can check facebook, e-mail, my Etsy store and surf the web.  It really takes a load off me when I can't get to my lap top.  I can get so much done on my lunch break at work as well as when I am riding (as a passenger) in the car.  You would be surprised at how the majority of my apps are "working" apps and not games.  I'm hooked!

Well that's the rundown right now.  Hope to get back her after our vacation to let you all know how things went.  In the meantime don't forget to check out my Etsy store!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring is in the Air!

Spring is in the air and I can't wait to get gardening. We have been touring the yard lately to see what survived our wicked winter and what didn't. The forsythia is in full bloom but need some pruning to regain their shape. We bought a few more full grown plants to start the hedge row on the other side of the house and we have some cuttings in water hoping for them to root. The clematis has green leaves starting to show and the rose bushes are full of budding leaves. The columbine came back this year as well and so did the dianthus that Amy gave me for my birthday. The daffodils are up but only one bloom so far and lots of buds. The hyacinths are half way up only a few more warm days and they should be in bloom. Now I am not sure if the hydrangea that Sarah gave me for my birthday is going to make it. Sorry Sarah but the snow was bad on that side of the house. We put out those little blaze orange flags out by all the small stuff so no one will step on them or mow them over. The lilacs are looking ok. The small one in the front took some damage but I think it will recover. The herb garden is looking green with lots of plants coming back. The strawberries survived for the most part, may need to buy some more to fill in the gaps. I haven’t seen any signs of the hosta yet so not sure they will come back. The tree out front has some buds on it but hasn’t done anything yet. It is still bendy in the branches so I don’t think it is dead but it too took a hard snow drift. Once the snow had melted some we had to re-stake it since it started to lean pretty bad.

We have some big plans for the yard this year. We started some sunflower seeds inside with Josie that needs to be transplanted. I was thinking about putting them between the pussy willow and the lilac out back. Brian started some pepper seeds that looking good and we have some watermelon seeds that have sprouted that Josie planted. The last frost date for our area is the last of April beginning of May so still not time to put too much outside. We also plan to replace the generic black plastic boarder we have around our gardens with brick in the front and some type of wood accent in the back. We currently have willow panels around the self watering pots off the deck. They panels are too tall for the herb garden so we have to find something that is shorter and will look good with the willow. In the front we want to build up the front flower garden a little with a 2 or 3 brick high retaining wall (that side slopes). Dad has some left over brick from one of their projects that he is willing to give to us to use. So that will help with the cost of the project. Just have to figure out the logistics of building the wall. We also want to use brick for the little bed that surrounds the light post out front. I have tulip bulbs in there that have started to come up. I also hope to get a sandbox for Josie this summer and hope to get more use out of her sprinkler play mat this summer than last. Feel free to drop by to lend a hand digging holes or stacking bricks!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I just can't win

I feel like I just can't win right now.  First Josie was totally miserable because she was constipated again.  So to resolve the situation, since nothing else was working, we gave her the Miralax like the doctor said.  So that solved the problem and she had a breakthrough so to speak.  Now she has multiple soft movements a day.  So much so that now she has a diaper rash!  I just can't win...
